Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica)
Sensitive plants are not very shade-tolerant. They thrive with eight hours of daylight and can tolerate partial shade, but languish badly in full shade. When growing them indoors, the ideal location is directly in front of or beside a bright sunny window. If the leaflets remain closed during the day, it indicates that the plant is not receiving enough light.
Well-draining, loamy soil is ideal for a sensitive plant growing in the landscape; its roots cannot survive in severely compacted soil. Enhance the soil with peat moss to improve drainage. In its natural environment, the sensitive plant lives in soils that are low in nutrients. Therefore, it does not require overly rich soil or frequent fertilizing. When grown as a houseplant, a standard commercial potting mix is a good growing medium.
Keep the soil consistently moist for a sensitive plant but not waterlogged. The sensitive plant cannot handle wet feet and will develop root rot if left sitting in excess water. As a general principle, water a sensitive plant once the top of the soil begins to dry out. Water sensitive plants a little more sparingly in the winter.
Temperature and Humidity
Sensitive plant can be grown as a short-lived outdoor perennial or shrubby ground cover in zones 7 to 13, but it is most often grown indoors as a potted houseplant. Potted specimens thrive in typical indoor temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees. The sensitive plant enjoys moderate to high humidity. Unless your house is particularly dry, the average household humidity should be sufficient for a sensitive plant. In regions where winter air is especially dry, run a humidifier close by or place the sensitive plant pot on top of a tray of pebbles filled with water to increase humidity. If grown as potted patio plants, sensitive plants will perform best if moved indoors when temperatures stray outside the 65- to 75-degree ideal range.